C & R Research, Market Research & Analysis, Chicago, IL

What is LatinoEyes.com®?

LatinoEyes.com® is an online family of U.S. Latinos. Our surveys reward our family members for telling the companies that make products and services for them how they look through the eyes of the Latino community.

You must become a member of the family in order to participate in our surveys and receive cash for your opinions. In other instances, you may be eligible to participate in our sweepstakes. You register by going to New Member Registration.

Surveys will be directed to specific household members by the individual login names created at the time of registration. For each survey taken, members will collect additional amounts in their accounts. Some surveys are short and take just a few minutes, and others are long. Each survey taken will be worth various dollar amounts. Members can earn between a few dollars to possibly twenty dollars each time a survey is completed. Most of our surveys may be taken in either English or en Español.

Members are able to check the balance in their LatinoEyes.com® account by clicking on the link that says "Login" and then entering their username and password. That's where they can keep track of the surveys they've completed, and the total amount of money they've earned. Members can cash in their LatinoEyes.com® accounts anytime the balance reaches $15. Members will then be able to request a check in $5 increments. For example, if a member account contains $32 that member can redeem $30. This account can cash in again once $15 is reached.



150 N. Michigan Ave Chicago, IL 60601 / panel@LatinoEyes.com